Titech Polysort NIR

For Sale – Titech Polysort NIR
The Titech Polysort is used to recover high quality plastics from the waste streams. Utilising a Near-Infrared (NIR) sensor system unit using NIR light which is invisible to the human eye. At a very fast rate, the NIR unit recognizes the unique molecular structure and plastic resin types of commonly used materials therefore separating PET, HDPE, PE, PET-G etc
There are two used sorters available. One at 1400mm wide and one at 1000mm wide.
Both in good clean working condition. The pictured above shows the IMG_2532actual Titech Polysort NIR 1000 that is available.
Manufactured in 2008.
Both units were working in the same WEEE plant until 2014.
Complete with accelerating belts and splitter box.
For further information on the Titech Polysort NIR call 01623 860700 or fill in the contact form here.